Saturday, July 25, 2009

Over the past few years I've spent a lot of my time doing what could be described as "soul-searching". I've switched religions, fought against the views of others, and fought against my own views. Up till recently is was a fight between Buddhism and Christianity. I thought that I could handle Christianity if I separated it from "organized-religion" and all its negative parts. Maybe if I really tried to turn it into a relationship and not a religion, it could work. Surprise, that didn't happen. So as a Zen Buddhist, my problem lies with the existence of this "person" commonly referred to as "god". Long ago I decided that, due to some instinctual feeling, I believe "god" to be a woman, or female. Perhaps "god" is genderless ("Why must I engender divinity."-Saul Williams) and his/her gender is up to personal interpretation. I prefer things to be open to interpretation, my beliefs are no more or less valid than anyone else's. I also believe that "god" is "in us" or is us, is a part of us. Not that conscience bullshit, something a little deeper and not as easily explained.

Anyway, for some reason, there are a few things that tend to come up when speaking of religion. First...creation. "How do YOU think the world came to be?" and my answer is and probably always will be, "Don't know, don't care." Seriously, why should that be such a big deal? It doesn't have any effect on our day to day and doesn't make the world a better or worse place. Shouldn't we be more concerned with "more important things"?

Anywho, I digress. And also, I've forgotten what the second thing is that I was going to talk about. I'm sure it'll come back to me sometime later, and I'll be sure to blog about it then. But back to the whole "god" thing, and tying it in to my position on "creation". Sure I have viewpoints and opinions on "god", but in all honesty, other than my occasional bout of spiritualness...I don't really care about "god". Once again, aren't there more important things we could be fighting about? Or could we just stop fighting? (I know that's too much to ask for)

But yeah, that's all from thoughts are weird thoughts. Love, Kenneth

P.s. My...thumb...hurts

/thought incomplete

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